Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ahhh decisions, decisions.

We are faced with a litany of decisions in life, it is important to appreciate the pleasant and the unpleasant deceisions that we have to take.

There are a lot of factors that one needs to consider in this decision making process, one thing that stands out for me is the fact that the decision that you take will at the end of the day make you happy. Being a man that has already taken decisions that put me here, I have a constant appreciation of the fact that they all lead to a bigger picture and that is happiness.

Those that live in a world where they have to pursue happiness and those that are content with their lives have a lot of things in common but they all have made decisions that are for the betterment of their lives. I, for one, have learnt that the good and bad decisions that I have taken are the basis of what I call happiness to be alive and free.

We are faced with a lot of decisions to make, your best decision that you will ever take is the one that leads you to your happiness.

Monday, February 17, 2014


Most of the times we believe that there is a greater destiny for us, that we are supposed to be somewhere else rather than the place we find ourselves in.
Well as we fondle with the idea that a greater life is out there for us, we waste a valuable amount of time. How, you ask?

Well, let the man put it in perspective for you so that you understand.

You plan your life and yet what you plan never comes to pass. It is because "LIFE HAPPENS WHILE YOU PLAN IT". This is true.

Today the lesson is be content. You need to be content with where you are and not aspire to live while you are already living your life.

I have learnt that humility and happiness are not choices but rather imperatives that just happen, and the only way to get there is through being content.

The real man has spoken.

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