Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Beautiful mind

I watch my son as he grows these days and every day he suprises me with some new thing he says or does, and the most interesting thing I see about him is that he is as honest as the day he was born, three years later. What intrigued me about this is that at that age he knows exactly who he is and who I am and who his mother is and so forth. Another thing to highlight is that no one told him who we are and whose child he is but he some how knows and that my friends is what brings us to the forth as Nkonkotjie Coms.

It some times bothers me that people of great minds and great talents always tell me that I have a great mind and that I have a great talent, the question I ask myself everytime when someone says "Vuyo you have a great mind" is - How come I am here with you right now living like I do? and I always come to the same answer - Vuyo you have no power to do this.

Until I read the foreword from the book Mind power I realised that I can be who ever I want to be and nothing can stop me except myself. So in essence it bothers me why other people always see the negatives in them rather than seeing their utmost power and the abilities they have in order to achieve more. You my friend have the responsibilty to be honest with yourself and start living who you're supposed to be. I am a musician that was blessed with brains to think with and use and I use my mind in order to pass all the tests that life throws at me. I am no saint and I am no genious I just exercise my responsibility to use what we all humans have been blessed with  - a beautiful mind.


  1. Deon-Simphiwe
    15:38 (18 hours ago)
    to me

    Hey Vuyo,

    It was great seeing you at the weekend. Pity we couldn’t hang out.

    Thanks for sending this link. Indeed! People squander time without finding out exactly what their purpose is. I should point out that it’s not an easy task to determine and embrace one’s purpose with all the influence people are subjected to everyday. But with time it becomes easier.

    How far do you wish to take your music? Is that your true passion and purpose?

  2. Vuyolwethu Dondashe
    10:33 (1 minute ago)
    to Deon-Simphiwe

    Thanks Deon, you know that 's a valid question and might sound a bit harsh to say that I no longer have the passion to sing but my passion I think lies with developing the youth in terms of getting thier game up there. That doesn't just lie with the arts but with first and foremost education, then the arts. I believe so much in the power of education and taking action in your life. So many people out there rely on something that someone's supposed to bring to them and they do not realize that they are wasting time.

    My utmost philisophy in life is that God has a plan for you and that plan is persevering more than your own plans. That is the life that you lead now is already God's plan for you. It is then up to you to make it so that you can have prosperious life from that plan. The way in which you execute that plan is up to you and the outcome also lies on your own shoulders.

    So in essence one needs to excel in what they do now in order to live a fulfilling life. Who said life is easy, it's full of hurt and aches and disappointments but one still has to live and eat isn't that so?

    Take a look at me, I am a musician that is extremelty talented but I want to use that voice to praise God and his blessing might shower upon me, but my success depends on how I use my mind in order to prevail in life. But hey D. I am no prophet and I live life as it comes because my mind tells me to live like that - Life to me is about providing for my family and in turn I get the satisfaction of having a happy family thus my success is defined from that and that makes me a success in the eyes of the Lord.
