Thursday, April 10, 2014

GOD or amasiko? Is it wrong to practice your customs in the eyes of GOD?

For many of us, going to church became a norm because our parents brought us up in church. As much as that is true, we have been also practicing cultural customs – animal sacrifices and beer brewing. All of which are part of our African culture.
The same is true for the church, I mean we go there every Sunday and some of us know the bible in and out.

Over the years while growing up I have experienced a lot of debates that have to do with religion and culture. I mostly found that people confuse the two to be the same. Which in my opinion  I think is wrong.

We are first Africans before we choose religion; it is up to the individual’s influential factors that later determines where they want to be identified with.

“What is the difference between culture and religion?


Culture is sort of an umbrella term defined by the traditions, language, art, food, and various attributes of a particular group (be it a group of five or an entire country).

Religion can be classified underneath the concept of "culture"; however, religion itself is a practice in which one seeks to commune with, and worship a power considered higher than one's Self.”

Source: /

As a human being I believe that there is most certainly a higher power greater than me, and as much believe that as a Xhosa I have the responsibility to keep my identity as a Xhosa and not to let the bible dictate to who I should be.

Don’t get me wrong mfowethu, I am not saying that I should disrespect the bible as a Christian, all I’m saying is that I was born Xhosa first before I was christened. I was raised a Xhosa hence I went through all the passages that I did, and I will practice the Xhosa customs until the day I die.
I feel if I abandon my Xhosa value system and customs, I would have abandoned my identity.
The same is true if I chose to be identified in another religion, I would not allow that religion to take over my identity.

The definition states that religion is underneath the concept “Culture”. What this tells me is that culture is as important as Religion in one’s life.

I mean the bible is filled with stories of people basically practicing their culture, e.g. They call teacher “Rabbi” which is a Hebrew word that the Jews speak. If the Bible was filled with stories of African descendants, would the Jews stop calling their Rabbis and start using terms like Mfundisi?

Would they stop calling God JEHOVA and start calling him THIXO?
 I think not….

For me religion is a way that I choose to worship the most high, the creator and our LORD GOD. It is the means that I was taught to consult from when I was wet behind the ears, and not my identity.

People should not confuse Religion with Culture

We are Africans that have their own rituals and customs to perform, let us not hide behind the bible and lose our identities and become lost children of this continent.

We are Africans and so we have the responsibility to take ownership of our identity so that our children do not lose their own identities.

These are the views of the real man.

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