Friday, June 3, 2011

Today I decided to look at myself entirely and maybe that would assist me in choosing the next step I may take in the near future.

I had thought of the people that I had the pleasure of sharing the room and the stage with. and those that I would have loved to share these wonderful talents that God has bestowed upon me. I thought of less known people Les Javan on the acquistic guitar, Sintu of the Cape Town Opera, Nigel Matanga of the then UWC jazz band. Nono Mdwara of UWC and all others that I do not remember

Then I thought of the more known names, Kyle Sheperd (Multi talented instrumentalist - Magnificent Jazz pianist and an all rounder in Music) Very humble chap and a very interesting personality he has, Julio Siguargue (Guitarist for the Freshly Ground), Fikile Mvinjelwa of the Cape Town Opera at the Joseph Stone as Mr Germond (Alfredo's father La Traviata), Monde Masimini, then Cape Town Opera, and in the Theatre scene a world renouned playwrite Tone Brulin (Flemish playwrite). And when I had to open a concert for the famous Bala Brothers (Oh what a performance i gave), Sliq Angel

Ahh, how can I not mention those that have paved the way for me to meet these people - UWC centre for the Performing arts. It's all because of them I could meet and mingle with the calibre of people I had met before I turned 24.

All these people, these incredible people have one common factor, they thrive in the performing arts. Just as I do, ther difference is that some are known and some aren't.
So as I ponder my future and decisions that I need to take, I sip the waters that quench my eternal thirst of being in need of the stage, and hopefully it would be the right decision.

Vuyolwethu Dondashe

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