Thursday, June 2, 2011

On stage with me or on page weeping

I am a musician that lost his way, that found refuge on writing monologues and poems. Throughout my whole life, never had I been in a position that denied me to sing. This had become a reality in the recent years of my life and one thing I understand about me is that I know all the crafts of the stage, how to make eyes contact and how to be intimate with the audiance. Lately, I lost that.

This is not due to all that you might be thinking about but all that you're not thinking. I can list all my excuses of turning my back on the stage but I couldn't even tell you one that will convice you, so today I will tell all.

When I developed to be a man, I took my voice and talent for granted, I asmoked and drank alcohol. This is all that took my passion for the stage and gave it the hell hounds called "Ubumnandi" and made me loose my destiny. I now, am a self made failure, and that's not even funny. I had become a self starter and a self ender. This is due to our inability to prioritize between life and friends as teenagers. Of course now I am a grown man that has a child and possibly a second one on the way, GOD willing, who works and makes a living out of something, I still weep over the lost notes that I haven't sung. The stages that I haven't climbed, and all the composers and Maestros I haven't met.
With that said, I am still a singer, a poet, an actor, and oddly - a Claims specialist.

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