Friday, July 29, 2011

Is Racism COMING BACK or it has always been there?

DISCLAIMER: Please Note that all the names of the original blog have been removed for obvious reasons




Tuesday, May 3, 2011

SA Police tells Afrikaners, "You should all Fuck-Off"

3rd of May 2011

“You White Boer Boys just come to cause shit in our town! What are you Boers doing in our Town? You should all Fuck-Off! What are you looking at you Cunt?”

This is what the police in Stellenbosch, home to the Afrikaans University of Stellenbosch, told three 18 year old Afrikaner students last Friday.

These three young men were on their way to a restaurant when they allegedly saw two other white men in a fight with and hitting an older coloured man. They ran to help the coloured man.

At that point two police vans arrived at the scene, obviously called by some witnesses. Six policemen then beat up and swore at the three young white men.

They were arrested and taken to the charge office where they were further slapped sworn at and racist remarks made at them by the Black policemen.

It is clear that these young men, who wanted to help a coloured man, were not racist...that the black police scum were racists...and that the three young white men have now experienced their Damascus moment. From this point onwards they probably will be racists and will never ever help a coloured man in need again. All thanks to the corrupt trash who calls themselves the SA Police Service.

I am sure that these three young men have lost all their respect for the scum ANC Police...probably developed a burning hatred for them now.

The story can be read here: Police slap and swear at three white students


Read Dingo's comment on the "cleaning out the trash post" Spot on old son!

I read this stuff and just get depressed. Since when did Stellenbosch become the fucking black kaffir boon's home? Kayamandi in its present state is less than a decade old, but all of a sudden Stellenbosch is theirs because the township is close to the town???? How many Kaffirs are buried on the Moederkerk grounds??? How many kaffirs have tombstones in that town that go back 350 years? NOT A FUCKING ONE!!!! In the actual town, how many live anywhere higher than Cloetesville?? Not a one!! They need to be taught a lesson, and a big one!
Anonymous said...
TICK TOCK TICK TOCK TICK TOCK Be prepared for our moment boys... Every act like this removes the little restraint we have left. Do not ask for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for you!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Dependent Syndrome

What is your take to the way the we - The Youth - depend so much on the government for Jobs and other improvements to our lives?
Well I think I have an excuse, it is the way in which we were brought up. Not generalizing obviously there are those that are not and depending on your own diagnosis of the problem then it is up to you to draw a conclusion.

This is why I say we have developed a dependant syndrome:

When we were at school, natuarally we depended on our parents for things like pocket money but have you ever stopped to think for yourself and took a decision to work at your local clinic, Library or store just to earn a little bit of your own money? The answer is NO!

Here's my prognosis: When you were at school you parents were the government and they made decisions on how much you can earn (By means of Pocket money) There fore you will grow up to be a Government dependent thus having the Dependent Syndrome.

Lesson I have learnt: I will subject my son to grow up and own up. This means that when my son needs pocket money and I am the govenrment I am going to ensure that he knows nothing is for free and noone is entitled to my money so one needs to work for it. It meand that I am going to introduce him to a moindset that will enhance his own abilities to live free of poverty. The Latter is proven by the fact that if he actively participate in his own well-being then it means his hunting instints will automatically grow with him thus making him a better adult that is free of the Dependent Syndrome