Monday, July 25, 2011

The Dependent Syndrome

What is your take to the way the we - The Youth - depend so much on the government for Jobs and other improvements to our lives?
Well I think I have an excuse, it is the way in which we were brought up. Not generalizing obviously there are those that are not and depending on your own diagnosis of the problem then it is up to you to draw a conclusion.

This is why I say we have developed a dependant syndrome:

When we were at school, natuarally we depended on our parents for things like pocket money but have you ever stopped to think for yourself and took a decision to work at your local clinic, Library or store just to earn a little bit of your own money? The answer is NO!

Here's my prognosis: When you were at school you parents were the government and they made decisions on how much you can earn (By means of Pocket money) There fore you will grow up to be a Government dependent thus having the Dependent Syndrome.

Lesson I have learnt: I will subject my son to grow up and own up. This means that when my son needs pocket money and I am the govenrment I am going to ensure that he knows nothing is for free and noone is entitled to my money so one needs to work for it. It meand that I am going to introduce him to a moindset that will enhance his own abilities to live free of poverty. The Latter is proven by the fact that if he actively participate in his own well-being then it means his hunting instints will automatically grow with him thus making him a better adult that is free of the Dependent Syndrome

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