Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A woman's worth

A lot of us men do not really understand women that much we always tend to take them for granted and swear that they will never leave us.

I have come to discover that this is not so, and I saw that a lot of South African men do not appreciate a woman as they are supposed to. This is evident in the crimes that are committed on a daily bases against our women. Abuse has become a norm in our townships and yet we men do not see how this is affecting them, our women.

Our women:

This phrase is the first mistake that we make as men, that is to think that we possess women. If it was you that was called as if you are some sort of  possession how would you feel. I know that the phrase can be used to indicate that you have committed yourself to this woman therefore do not condemn the use of the phrase in any way.
My argument is that we should never make a mistake of thinking that the woman is yours to do what ever you feel is right for you.

How should a woman be treated:

In the past 6 years I have been blessed with  a woman that loves me very much, one that I would do anything for and yet in the same breath can not tell you that that woman is mine. She was never mine to begin with. I was done a favor by her. She opened her heart and let it love me, she treats me with respect and she has blessed me with a beautiful boy that I love so much.
That woman has done me a favor by letting me touch her the way I do, by letting her guide down and smilling when she sees me. She has done me a favor by letting me be her husband.

A woman is treated with the respect that she deserves because a woman's worth lies not in her beauty, it is not to be abused, it is rather there to be appreciated. A woman is a creator of happiness and thus she deserves the happiness that is due to her, I am talking about a real woman her, a soul that lives in me through the love that she gives me on a daily basis. Even though she is angry with me I can still feel the love, the respect and the pride that she has when she sees her man, her husband, her friend and lover. I can still see how much she cares even in the midst of misery that I cause her, yet that woman still shines her worth through me and she hopes I become a better man. Even better, not for her - FOR ME! How selfless

A woman should be loved all the time, she must never feel that she is neglected aat any point in time because she does the same for you.

A woman should be listened to, she knows better. She understands the world way better than you do. A woman is POWERFUL.

A WOMAN IS HUMAN, so treat a woman good.

Do not cheat on her.

A woman's definition of cheating goes beyond physical intercourse, it goes further than sneaking out at night to have a  quicky, you see a woman considers every fibre of your body and soul as hers and is not to be shared in anyway with another.
Yes I mean flirting really hurts them, in fact I think it hurts them more than anything because flirting with other women creates an emotional scar for your woman. That emotional scar runs deeper than you can ever imagine. So DO NOT CHEAT ON YOUR WOMAN, she deserves better.

Do not beat her, she is not your punching bag.

Do not make her feel less of a HUMAN

Do not hurt her emotionally

Do not think that she is yours, she is a HUMAN

Do not DISRESPECT her, she is better than that. She is your worth, your happiness and your destiny. SHE WILL GIVE YOUR NAME A LASTING LEGACY.

A woman's worth is not her beauty, her looks or her sweet smell. A woman's worth is her LOVE, CARING, MIND, GENTLENESS, SERENITY, COURAGE, STRONG CHARACTER, EVER LASTING LOVE FOR YOUR CHILDREN.

A woman deserves better.

I am Nkonkotyi, the concerned citizen

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