Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Number one you have cost us dearly

I remember in my early 20s I used to worship the ground that the ANC walked on (So to speak). There were political schools that we used to attend, learning about the ANC and its victories and defeats alike. There are values that the organization itself holds that no one can change.
I remember an ANC of the people and that fought for the rights of the people, an ANC that molded leaders of tomorrow and futures of the black nation of South Africa. I remember an ANC that was free of corruption.
There used to be an ANC that revered on the helping and improving the plight of the people of this country, an ANC that was a mother to the motherless, a GIANT of sorts to movements that rose in the wake of Africa’s children taking their land back one by one. An ANC of John Langalibalele Dube, Sol Plaatjie. An ANC of Oliver Tambo, Joe Slovo, Nelson Mandela, and all other great warriors of this land.
There was an ANC that used to bring hope to its people, the ANC that you and I were raised by. The congress of the people that made South Africa a land of all who lived in it. The ANC that gave birth to democracy and free speech, an ANC that fought against mental slavery.
This is the ANC I once knew. Today we have a dog that used to bite, ustokoloko – inja enganamazinyo. An organization rotten to the core and one characterized by corruption, scandals and shame. YES IT IS NOW AN ANC OF SHAME.
Now in my early 30s I am ashamed that I was ever associated with you oh great giant. You have become a bully of sorts to your own people. You have become the elephant in the room. And all of this is because of your refusal to hear us, your members, and your refusal to listen to the people that put you in power. You have a stubbornness that precedes the entire country. I don’t know why you are willing to let this country go – All because of one person – u number One.  

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