Friday, October 14, 2011

Open letter to baby killers

Dear Baby Killer

I do not have any intentions of letting you off the hook by reporting you to the authorities because you will still be fed by my tax money and you will still walk free after a few years if you are unfortunate to be sentenced at all. You do not know me, I am neither your lover, friend nor your brother, yet I write to you. With your twisted psycho mind I know you might think you are important and all but please brother do not  flatter yourself you are a pathetic looser of a man. You are one step closer to being the Devil himself.

We bear children for the benefit of mankind and for continuation of our blood line and you see them as some prize money, to get rich quick, or to get your girlfriend back? Why do you do it really? Are you insane?

Well I tell you this baby killer, I find out that you killed my boy let's just say that I give you a promise that you will take to your undignified grave - Comprende?

Yours sincerely
the Parent

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