Thursday, October 6, 2011

So I ask

I think it's time I remind myself of my own theory, for the past few weeks I kind of "forgot" to employ this magnificent theory and it has shown it's importance in my own life. Remember the “what you have theory”?

Let us not focus on what we don't have, rather let's shift it to what we have...

My wife and I have always used this strategy to the best of our ability until something happened that could change the way that we may know the world today. And that was losing the tight grip we have on certainty - Yesterday we discovered that work life might not be so easy after all, we are now faced with making a decision that will change circumstances for our family and yes this decision has to be taken soon, unless she receives that very much anticipated call. I pray that happens before Sunday (09 Oct ’11).

But what we have is this, we have a great family, we have jobs to take care of us and most of all we have the security that we all need. What we don't have now is the certainty of the longevity of that security. But now how does one apply this theory if Maslow's hierarchy of Needs is threatened at such a delicate stage? We do have the Physiological Needs taken care of; Safety on the other hand is threatened in the form of Uncertainty of Employment. This is the most basic level of the hierarchy and without this one is impeded on their journey to Self Actualization  

For those of you that do not know what Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs is look at the figure below and see how relevant it can be

So I ask again, How does this Theory of mine work if there is a proven set of stages of Needs analysis such as the one above:

My answer is this, It is not Self actualization that we’re looking for in this particular event, it is perception of happiness and the ways of achieving this happiness. Mine is clear and simple in my mind and that is to be happy one needs to accept what they have and what they do not have. One example would be if you are struggling to make ends meet with little of what you have and happy about your circle of friends and family and the way you live your life then the THEORY works. On the other hand a more successful neighbor who is loaded and drives 3 cars a week but lives alone then chances are that your neighbor is envious of your happy life.

Think about it and KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

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