Friday, October 26, 2012

The chronicles of Prejudice, senseless and ruthless

If you can remember well in 2008 all foreigners saw their lives being disrupted by violent attacks on them. They were beaten, they were killed and they were forced to flee their homes where they stayed.

Reason: They should go back home.

The same home that they fled from to seek the safety net of Mzantsi, the African Promised Land - the land of opportunities.

What hit me very hard was the reasoning of those that were attacking and killing, "they take our jobs, our wives and our houses."

It became very clear to me that the people of this beautiful country are suffering from a very dangerous syndrome called "entitlement".

When it suits them they refer to the past and demand compensation for a certain thing. BEE comes in mind when I mention that. While on the other hand they forget that the very people that they killed and disoriented are the same people that sheltered our fathers in their own homes not so long ago.

Our fathers were never killed in Angola; they were never killed in Zimbabwe and certainly never killed in Mozambique, Botswana and Zambia. They all came back, and ironically some of them came back with wives. Believe me; no one ever threw a single stone at them for taking their women.

Entitlement is the only reason why Julius Malema and the ANCYL are calling for Nationalization of mines and land grabbing without compensation. These people never learn, I mean we don't have to go very far to see the consequences of chasing away skilled people out of the country.
They are calling for a senseless phenomenon where, investors and other economic drivers will pull their resources and go. These are the people that this country depends on for the retaining of its economic power and yet people who only know Politics and nothing about Economics and business are pushing for something that they don't even have a plan for.

Suppose the nationalisation takes place, what plans do Julius and the ANCYL have in order to sustain the economic position of this country?
How will they entice investors to come and plant their resources here?
What is their plan for the people of this country? Will they also have a share in the country's wealth or will it go to the BEE people? I mean really.

Lastly, the corruption in this nation is so rife that anyone can see that. Oh no, not only the analysts can see it SACP Gauteng, we the ordinary people can. I mean what do you call a spade?

"South African Communist Party (SACP) in Gauteng lodged a memorandum of demands at the broadcaster, insisting, among other things, that "the SABC must play a role of being a primary platform for conveying positive messages from the government"

So what about the things that really matter? I mean why should the SABC be subjected to demands of the SACP or any other party.

My question is this: Isn't News news no matter what it makes the party being reported look? Positive news or negative news - How do you differentiate between the two, who gives you the right to tell us what we should hear and read about how the government is spending our hard earned tax?

"As Mr Nzimande (whose wife worked at the corporation until last year) is also a strong supporter of President Jacob Zuma, it may appear this memorandum by the SACP in Gauteng is intended to put pressure on the corporation to fall into line behind Mr Zuma"

Ultimately we see why the SACP has made this demand, Its all clear from the start.

These people make me really nervous because I know that the future of our children depends on how they make decisions for this country. True, what is decided today will by all means affect our children in the long run e.g. The Apartheid system (Need I say more?)

To conclude for today,

Prejudice still lives in our people today and certainly will be there tomorrow.

Social prejudice
Political prejudice
Racial slurs fly everyday

And yet, we want to be seen as a united front, for me this country has not been in proper hands for a very long time. All I see are people close to public office bearers getting richer and the masses of this country sinking into deeper poverty hence this violence and crime. Unemployment among the youth being the highest unemployment rate in Africa (or so I think) yet we have bodies such as the NYDA, SETA, and all other broken promises that have been put in front of us.

So Mzantsi, country of opportunities - What the hell are you talking about when you say together we can do more?
More corruption,
More rapes,
More murders

I ask... and I know I will never get any answers, because that is classified information

I am Nkonkotyi, the concerned citizen

Friday, October 19, 2012

The beauty of self

It is imperative to know your self worth and to know where to draw the boundry between right and wrong. As a young person one always tries to do the best for themselves and in turn for others.

Self worth can only be measured according to your own standards. The more you undermine yourself the more others do, likewise if you know you value, your ethics and that you are beautiful inside, on one will take that away from you.

The purpose of your life span can only be known by you and if you do not allow yourself to be who you were born to be, you become a dormant soul that is only wondering the face of the earth looking for who knows what. When you realize that you have been going astray, it is never too late for you to find the right path in life.

According to Covington (1989), the "one main, even preeminant, reason that students achieve in school is to protect a sense of worth, especially in competitive situations" (p. 88).

The same can be said about young adults that are in a situation where competition for jobs is fierce. One tends to be with the illusion that they are only good enough for the jobs they currently hold.

So to combat that in my opinion it is important to always remember your self worth, you are not as good as yesterday. You have a beautiful mind, use it.

It is time to know who you are.

You are worthy

I am Nkonkotyi, the concerned citizen.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

South Africa we love you our beatiful land, let's show the whole world we can bring peace in our land.

In the wake of ratings downgrades by Moody’s two weeks ago and by Standard & Poor’s on Friday, Mr Loubser said confidence in South Africa could not be built in a climate of corruption, violent industrial action, the undermining of the judiciary and regulatory and tax uncertainty.
 ( accessed 18/10/2012)

When one thinks of all these uncertainties that are carrying on in our nation, things become clear to me that we need not sit and take the punches anymore. We are constantly seeing these incidences that have happened in this country and yet we're just not doing enough to have these abolishes.

As a young professional it has become my civil duty to look into these matters and realize that it is not only in the hands of others, but it also in my hands as well. I mean the end to this corruption.

"Moody’s has given South Africa its first downgrade since democracy, rating the country down to Baa1. Thanks a lot. Last week, Standard & Poor’s (S&P) downgraded our sovereign debt for a second time, to BBB from BBB+. We are now a slim two grades above junk status, in line with countries such as Brazil, Russia and Mexico (a pleasant surprise — I thought we might find ourselves in worse company, given the recent turmoil).
Last week, before the S&P downgrade, the rand traded at R8,9942 to the dollar, the highest in more than three years. Beyond economics, that exchange rate affects us psychologically. We go into a tailspin and fear creeps in. If we don’t get our political act together and deal with business and economic challenges, we shouldn’t be surprised if the rand-dollar rate heads back to the R12s and R14s of 2009 and 2001."

( accessed 18/10/2012)

To me this means that we are moving backwards instead of forward. The pure disrespect for the law and the never ending strike action is just a tip of the iceberg that is the cause of this disaster. Economics is warning us way ahead of the real impact that this is going to have in our country. The corruption that is ripe in our state organs is disgusting and should be the main issue at hand and not succession debates. How is it  going to help us of we keep the same person that has not done anything tangible in terms of economic growth in the past 3 years? Instead we see that his hometown is being upgraded in less that 3 years that he's been in power. And when we seek answers we are met with vague answers and handbooks that mean nothing to us as a people.

Our leaders have done nothing but lip service for our country


Now in this regard, if we want to strive for a non racial society why are we still subjected to having children, just because they are white, refused an opportunity to study further.

"I have fought against white domination, I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the idea of a democratic and free society, it is an idea I hope to live for. And if needs be, it is an idea for which I am prepared to die."

I think in the wake of all this madness we shall remember the above words and remember why the ANC was formed, why it was banned and what, when resurrected, it lives for.

For a free, democratic, non sexist, non racial society for all.

South Africa belongs to all that live in it and it does not belong to those that govern it.

I am Nkonkotyi, the concerned citizen. 

Juju, ANCYL racist and greedy - Loubser - Business News | IOL Business |

Juju, ANCYL racist and greedy - Loubser - Business News | IOL Business |

I am not a political analyst or one that will stand up and openly ask obvious questions, but with the recent spate of attacks to our economy I can no longer dtand by and watch while our country is being destroyed. The leadership that we have in this country has a lot of flaws: The secrecy bill, The Zumaville, the ongoing strikes, the killing of cops, the letting go of guilty people on "MEDICAL PAROLE" and then those people mericulously recover and carry on with their lives, like playing golf. The injustices that this leadership is bring to forth to the plights of the people of this nation is appalling and out right wrong.
Instead of amending the wrongs that are in incumbent in this country they are now busy thinking of "How will I stay in the leadership?" - which is disgusting I have to say.
We are a nation that is doomed if we continue to vote these people into power.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

In Celebration of the Western Cape

In the recent months, I have had the pleasure to drive through the R310 through to Franschhoek. I thought to myself, oh boy you made a great decision to come and live the Cape Winelands.

Today I would like to introduce to you a small village called Pniel, it is a few kilometres away from Stellenbosch  and I can assure you that you'd love it too...

here's a extract from

Western Cape Destinations

Pniel, Cape Winelands

Cape Winelands, Western Cape
If you have ever driven the R310 from Stellenbosch along Helshoogte, a lovely alternative route through to Franschhoek, then you've passed through the little village of Pniel. Linking the two major wine towns in this way makes for a more than pleasant weekend filled with good food, gorgeous views, and wine enough to fill the boot of your car.

The town of Pniel, nestled at the foot of Simonsberg, lies just outside Stellenbosch. Not only does the little village lie surrounded by vineyards and mountains in one of the most wonderful spots in the Western Cape, but its history is very interesting. Pniel started out as 19 hectares of land donated from the farm De Goede Hoop established as a mission settlement for the landless and homeless slaves of 1842 (the British Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 abolished slavery throughout most of the British Empire, including 40 000 slaves in SA).

Today its oak-lined main road is filled with quaint houses, some of the them built for the freed slaves by Sir Herbert Baker (hence the humps in the road, to make sure you take the time to look around you!), whilst its name, which means 'face of God', is taken from Genesis 34 verse 30. In 1843 a further 43 hectares were added to Pniel from the neighbouring farm, Papier Moulen, and the whole area was subdivided into plots and granted to emancipated slave settlers on a permanent tenure basis, to be inherited by their children.

One can organise tours by local residents that include the history and the significance of the 160 year old church.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Open letter to the Republic of Mzantsi

Dear South Africa

I write this open letter to inform you that we as a people of this country are sick and tired of the injustices that are being put on the plight of those who choose to abide by the law.

This year alone has been marred by destruction and lawlessness by our very own ordinary people that walk amongst us. I am referring to the never ending protests and the rate in which heinous crimes have escalated and yet you seem to be doing nothing about. Today we read about strikers throwing stones and killing innocent, honest men that are trying to put food on the tables of their families. We read about the killings of striking miners in Marikana and we have demagogues that pretend to be on our side and yet they are sucking our hard earned tax money and never brought to justice about.
These days South Africa we are scared to walk our own back yards, get up and have that morning jog so that we may be fit and ready for the day’s challenges. Our children are abducted and raped by their own elders and turned into junkies of drugs. South Africa when will this madness end?
Given all the news that we read and the events that we see in our own communities, you seem to be doing nothing about the people that are breaking the law.

Our history has taught us to fight for what is right and right now, you are failing us South Africa and I am sick of it.

I am sick of:
-       Living in fear of my own shadow
-       The strikes that become crime scenes
-       The corruption that you allow our leaders to do
-       Our children vanishing, getting raped and killed
-       You not doing anything about the crime that is committed on a daily basis

I know you are going to say, we should report crime and that we should not take the law into our hands. Those that have done so, do you blame them?
Have you lived in Khayelitsha dear South Africa? Do you know that we get mugged and killed when we go to work in the mornings? Do you know that when we come back from work we get killed for the little money that we wake up at the crack of dawn for?

Have you lived in Gugulethu, where we get mugged at 12H00 a.m. by our very children? They are hungry and they are bored dear South Africa because you have nothing to offer them. Between your so called education system and your so called criminal justice system South Africa, they choose the prison. You know why? Because inside, they sleep on a full stomach, they are given activities to do and they are not punished for their crime. Instead they have the audacity to demand DSTV.

South Africa, I agree with your thoughts that everyone has their own choices to make, but these choices should not stand in our way to live a peaceful and a meaningful life, it should not stop us from providing a good life for our children. South Africa the choices that we make should not infringe on our right to life, to safety, to education. In other words, no one should be missed by the long arm of the law. The law is there to be obeyed, even the President has declared to obey the laws of this country.

I find it very hard to understand, therefore, why we should be victims of crimes by striking workers while the police force is watching. I fail to understand why you have let the N2 highway in Cape Town to be a “war zone” where Law enforcers are killed. I fail to understand why you let the demagogues get away with corruption and I indeed fail to understand why you are not doing anything to help us with this war on Crime. Why do you allow the Cape Flats to be ruled by Gangsters and TIK? Why to do you let our children get raped and killed?

I guess dear South Africa we as a people who choose to abide by the law are asking too much of you.

Yours in sadness
Citizen of South Africa