Friday, October 12, 2012

Open letter to the Republic of Mzantsi

Dear South Africa

I write this open letter to inform you that we as a people of this country are sick and tired of the injustices that are being put on the plight of those who choose to abide by the law.

This year alone has been marred by destruction and lawlessness by our very own ordinary people that walk amongst us. I am referring to the never ending protests and the rate in which heinous crimes have escalated and yet you seem to be doing nothing about. Today we read about strikers throwing stones and killing innocent, honest men that are trying to put food on the tables of their families. We read about the killings of striking miners in Marikana and we have demagogues that pretend to be on our side and yet they are sucking our hard earned tax money and never brought to justice about.
These days South Africa we are scared to walk our own back yards, get up and have that morning jog so that we may be fit and ready for the day’s challenges. Our children are abducted and raped by their own elders and turned into junkies of drugs. South Africa when will this madness end?
Given all the news that we read and the events that we see in our own communities, you seem to be doing nothing about the people that are breaking the law.

Our history has taught us to fight for what is right and right now, you are failing us South Africa and I am sick of it.

I am sick of:
-       Living in fear of my own shadow
-       The strikes that become crime scenes
-       The corruption that you allow our leaders to do
-       Our children vanishing, getting raped and killed
-       You not doing anything about the crime that is committed on a daily basis

I know you are going to say, we should report crime and that we should not take the law into our hands. Those that have done so, do you blame them?
Have you lived in Khayelitsha dear South Africa? Do you know that we get mugged and killed when we go to work in the mornings? Do you know that when we come back from work we get killed for the little money that we wake up at the crack of dawn for?

Have you lived in Gugulethu, where we get mugged at 12H00 a.m. by our very children? They are hungry and they are bored dear South Africa because you have nothing to offer them. Between your so called education system and your so called criminal justice system South Africa, they choose the prison. You know why? Because inside, they sleep on a full stomach, they are given activities to do and they are not punished for their crime. Instead they have the audacity to demand DSTV.

South Africa, I agree with your thoughts that everyone has their own choices to make, but these choices should not stand in our way to live a peaceful and a meaningful life, it should not stop us from providing a good life for our children. South Africa the choices that we make should not infringe on our right to life, to safety, to education. In other words, no one should be missed by the long arm of the law. The law is there to be obeyed, even the President has declared to obey the laws of this country.

I find it very hard to understand, therefore, why we should be victims of crimes by striking workers while the police force is watching. I fail to understand why you have let the N2 highway in Cape Town to be a “war zone” where Law enforcers are killed. I fail to understand why you let the demagogues get away with corruption and I indeed fail to understand why you are not doing anything to help us with this war on Crime. Why do you allow the Cape Flats to be ruled by Gangsters and TIK? Why to do you let our children get raped and killed?

I guess dear South Africa we as a people who choose to abide by the law are asking too much of you.

Yours in sadness
Citizen of South Africa

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