Friday, October 19, 2012

The beauty of self

It is imperative to know your self worth and to know where to draw the boundry between right and wrong. As a young person one always tries to do the best for themselves and in turn for others.

Self worth can only be measured according to your own standards. The more you undermine yourself the more others do, likewise if you know you value, your ethics and that you are beautiful inside, on one will take that away from you.

The purpose of your life span can only be known by you and if you do not allow yourself to be who you were born to be, you become a dormant soul that is only wondering the face of the earth looking for who knows what. When you realize that you have been going astray, it is never too late for you to find the right path in life.

According to Covington (1989), the "one main, even preeminant, reason that students achieve in school is to protect a sense of worth, especially in competitive situations" (p. 88).

The same can be said about young adults that are in a situation where competition for jobs is fierce. One tends to be with the illusion that they are only good enough for the jobs they currently hold.

So to combat that in my opinion it is important to always remember your self worth, you are not as good as yesterday. You have a beautiful mind, use it.

It is time to know who you are.

You are worthy

I am Nkonkotyi, the concerned citizen.

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