Thursday, October 18, 2012

South Africa we love you our beatiful land, let's show the whole world we can bring peace in our land.

In the wake of ratings downgrades by Moody’s two weeks ago and by Standard & Poor’s on Friday, Mr Loubser said confidence in South Africa could not be built in a climate of corruption, violent industrial action, the undermining of the judiciary and regulatory and tax uncertainty.
 ( accessed 18/10/2012)

When one thinks of all these uncertainties that are carrying on in our nation, things become clear to me that we need not sit and take the punches anymore. We are constantly seeing these incidences that have happened in this country and yet we're just not doing enough to have these abolishes.

As a young professional it has become my civil duty to look into these matters and realize that it is not only in the hands of others, but it also in my hands as well. I mean the end to this corruption.

"Moody’s has given South Africa its first downgrade since democracy, rating the country down to Baa1. Thanks a lot. Last week, Standard & Poor’s (S&P) downgraded our sovereign debt for a second time, to BBB from BBB+. We are now a slim two grades above junk status, in line with countries such as Brazil, Russia and Mexico (a pleasant surprise — I thought we might find ourselves in worse company, given the recent turmoil).
Last week, before the S&P downgrade, the rand traded at R8,9942 to the dollar, the highest in more than three years. Beyond economics, that exchange rate affects us psychologically. We go into a tailspin and fear creeps in. If we don’t get our political act together and deal with business and economic challenges, we shouldn’t be surprised if the rand-dollar rate heads back to the R12s and R14s of 2009 and 2001."

( accessed 18/10/2012)

To me this means that we are moving backwards instead of forward. The pure disrespect for the law and the never ending strike action is just a tip of the iceberg that is the cause of this disaster. Economics is warning us way ahead of the real impact that this is going to have in our country. The corruption that is ripe in our state organs is disgusting and should be the main issue at hand and not succession debates. How is it  going to help us of we keep the same person that has not done anything tangible in terms of economic growth in the past 3 years? Instead we see that his hometown is being upgraded in less that 3 years that he's been in power. And when we seek answers we are met with vague answers and handbooks that mean nothing to us as a people.

Our leaders have done nothing but lip service for our country


Now in this regard, if we want to strive for a non racial society why are we still subjected to having children, just because they are white, refused an opportunity to study further.

"I have fought against white domination, I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the idea of a democratic and free society, it is an idea I hope to live for. And if needs be, it is an idea for which I am prepared to die."

I think in the wake of all this madness we shall remember the above words and remember why the ANC was formed, why it was banned and what, when resurrected, it lives for.

For a free, democratic, non sexist, non racial society for all.

South Africa belongs to all that live in it and it does not belong to those that govern it.

I am Nkonkotyi, the concerned citizen. 

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